More pictures are to come in the future.
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Pre-Season World Downloads Here
Season(1-3) World Downloads Here
The Beginning
The server first started on March 5, 2019. The server ran on an Optiplex 745 with a Core 2 Duo, 8gb RAM(only running 6500 mb cause that was what was stable), and running on Ubuntu. The version of Minecraft it started on was 1.13.2. The players that started on the server on day one included me(alexkinch), Josh(SpartanGut), Majeski(grt788), and Connor(bobbossawesome).
As the month went on, we gained more and more players. These players included Adam(Diet_Water), Colin(TheHolyPringle), Dylan(cowboy_d) and others. By the end of the month(March 26, 2019), The End had been entered and defeated. The end of this era also brought the first name to the server, the Alex Kinch Federation.
The First Reset
I don't know the exact date of the first reset, but I know it was sometime in April(probably near the beginning). We got one new player during this time, SodiumMuffin(Kelsey Tavanello). This reset brought our first built spawn area, it was ruin themed. This era lasted about a month and didn't see much activity(We updated to 1.14.2 and people didn't want to travel far to see the new villages).
The Second Reset
Sometime between May 20-23, 2019, the server was reset again, this time bringing the name Inferncraft. The name was created to go with the new rules(purge weeks). The purge weeks were never taken advantage of, so they were removed. The spawn area was nether themed. I think this lasted a while.
The Third (and unactive) Reset
This reset must've been when school started up again. The spawn was very simple. This era only lasted like a week and most users moved over to Mangocraft(now called the Council of Bois).
A weird time
rewRedacted(who wishes to not be named) started up a server on Aternos. The server had dedicated members, but the server was slow. We had the idea of migrating his world over to my server, but I wanted to use the spawn I made. I installed the Multiverse plugin so we could do this; it really slowed down the server and we had problems with the nether.
Inferncraft rises again(Season 1)
The Multiverse plugin was removed on December 28, 2019 and Inferncraft was back in full swing. Not many people came back on in the beginning, but in March and April it started picking back up because of the pandemic.
The Great Cold War
On April 3, 2020, rewRedacted came up the with the idea of the kingdom of Isthmus. The faction included rewRedacted, SpartanGut, Diet_Water, TheRealSaltman(Dominic), Sillivis(Camden), and ZombieSlayer1014(Sean). The faction started out friendly, and they built a kingdom. The creation of that faction lead to the creation of BPM which included Spacedust524(Ben), creeperking1229(Vasile), Hoser_3504, Tank1_41(Braden), and I. One day, BPM decided to see what was going on at Isthmus's base, and Isthmus met BPM with anger. A conflict insued, but a temple was built symbolizing their peace.
Season II
The Isthmus faction decided to create their own Minecraft server and invited everyone at first, but randomly banned all of BPM one day. Inferncraft reset at the same time this server was created. Our server didn't see much activity in the beginning. Isthmus's server fell out of favor, and SpartanGut(Josh) started a server and it had seen some activity(a couple weeks). The server picked back up for a while(it was really booming the couple months leading up to school), and we saw a lot of new players including(but not limited to) NoahRG2(Noah Goodwin), zachisanerd(Zach Adams), Sabuirs(Chase Wittig), and Tank_852(Alex Dunn). With this Season we also saw the addition of the first official admins, SpartanGut, and Spacedust524. The spawn was rocket/alien themed.
Season III
The server saw quite a surge in the beginning of the reset but it essentially burned out in the first or second week because of speedrunners beating the ender dragon. There was a bit of activity after the ender dragon was defeated, including some drama over stealing items, but then the server fizzled out. The spawn was ancient Rome themed.
Season IV
The season was pretty quiet at the beginning, a few players joined on the first day. Zach(zachisanerd) grinded for a while at the beginning. We had some activity near the middle and end, including a new player, kykers29(Kylie Ohlson). The spawn was themed very similar to the Second Reset(nether themed).
Season V
This season saw a rush at the beginning of the reset, but interest dwindled after the first week. The spawn was themed after a small town in the middle of nowhere.